Sarcasm is described as “the lowest form of humor but the highest expression of wit” (a phrase that is mistakenly attributed to Oscar Wilde, but really its origin is unknown). It is a malicious and blatantly disguised mockery scathing and cruel irony that it offends or mistreats someone or something. The term also refers to the rhetorical figure consisting in using this kind of irony. Sarcasm is an indirect criticism, but most often obvious.

Examples of sarcasm or rupture of the system:

Sometimes, the irony is evident by an issue of relevance, as the following example:

* “The late was virtuous, friendly and fat.”

Another way consists of expressing ideas and thoughts out of rational, in the address logic:

* “Critics I divided into two classes: the bad and those I praise”.

Other examples of sarcasm and irony:

* John arrives at work, and the first thing that makes is sit down and put the feet up on the desktop to lend fresh. Chief sees him and tells him: John, still working so hard!

Sarcasm in oral communication

As the vowel chants used to denote sarcasm is so subtle, sarcasm to express ideas that are not obviously ironic use may lead to confusion, especially where there are differences of emphasis or has no experience in the use of language. The use of sarcasm differs between countries. Many times the sarcasm is strangely misinterpreted, for those who receive the “insult”. On the other hand, sarcasm in your oral expression can also be conceived as a form of expression. Notable is also the use that may be contrary to sarcasm, making references with reality, in a tone cutting and offensive, you can interpret this in many ways, even more if it is carried out in a social circle that much takes into account the subliminal messages that can left a sarcastic prayer.

Sarcasm in written communication

To be directed to the spoken language, it can be difficult to translate into written form and is easily misunderstood. To avoid this problem is quite popular use quotation marks to denote certain intentional ambivalence on the meaning of specific element of a sentence (for example: “you what ‘friendly’ are today”). Sarcasm also can be delimited in the language written by capitalization, especially to denote emphasis that would have been put on a spoken conversation (for example: “Well, was not just fantastic”).

However, this is not universal. For example, Shakespeare used regularly as a literary tool sarcasm to emphasize the point of a joke, but rarely used any distinguishing mark. As a scientist said Jeffrey Toloza: “the sarcasm is not a way of speaking our language;” “simply is a work of art.”

Sarcasm Writing — Ghostwriting
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