As a genre, tragedy script writing needs special handling because the writer has to become emotionally involved to get the best results. A tragic script has been defined as a form of art, which brings pleasure to the audience through depiction of the suffering of the characters. It may sound pretty paradoxical but the beauty of a tragic story lies in the struggle and the ruin of one or more of the main characters. The extreme sorrow resulting from a series of calamities, moral weakness or inability to cope with unavoidable circumstances has a magical effect on the audience.
Tragedy script writing has long been looked upon with certain degree of deference owing to the skill required in doing a good job of it. The tragic element has to be so realistic the viewers of the movie, TV serial or play should begin to identify themselves with the one who is enduring the pain. In this way the script will likely win greater acclaim for the writer, director, and viewers. When people relate to the performers, their senses are engrossed to the point that they may start to sob silently for them. This exactly what good tragedy script writing is all about – taking over the minds and hearts of the audience.
If not simple, tragedy script writing is not a Herculean task either. A few hints and you will be an expert in tragic literary outpourings.
• Equip yourself by reading plenty of heart breaking scripts and begin to get the hang of writing about disastrous situations. The more you read, the more comfortable you will become with tragedies. Utilize time well to build up a credible plot and each action should have logical repercussions.
• Do a thorough planning about every aspect of the tragic tale. Any event that does not fit into the climaxing catastrophe will not suffice.
• Take your time to write. The stop-gap periods help you to think up of newer ways to portray the lurking misfortune. Revise several times till you have polished the script to your satisfaction. Your hard work will surely be richly rewarded.
Get others to appraise your work. Tragedy script writing has a smooth flow for which opinion of others can do much. Have your final script read by honest people and not by those who are likely to give you positive feedback only. Instead, encourage constructive criticism from those with proven expertise in the field of script writing.