The work of country song writers primarily consists of penning lyrics as also setting them to music. In the past the writers also composed music or even lent their voices but today the pressure of work load has distributed the work among several experts in their own fields, such as lyricist, composers and publishers. In the days gone by, song writers learned the trade by attaching themselves with persons who were already considered masters in the industry. Through apprenticeship the budding aspirant imbibed the tricks and secrets of writing songs that actually ticked. The scenario has metamorphosed today. Country song writers can get formal training by joining an institute or a college and learn all they need about the appropriate style, structure and procedure to write great lyrics that instantly grab the limelight.
A student of country music gains knowledge and also the credentials that act as his passport to name and fame. With this head-start, country song writers are in a better position to create new milestones in the world of music. Law in US allows the usage of the songs written after 1934 only once permission is granted by the writer. This way the song writers can make a substantial income through royalties thus collected. Country song writers can work independently or get attached to a team of music makers or agents. When they do this they are called staff writers and have to work following certain pre-defined agreement with the authorities.
Nashville is the hub of the music world and it is a common occurrence to have country song writers working the regular 9 to 5 regime, under contractual terms and drawing a fixed salary. The predominant staff writer culture here makes every song written by a member of the staff the property of the publisher. This system has its own pros and cons. For writers in their nascent stage, this type of set-up works well since they are able to get the relevant experience and build a personal network of people in the industry. Once the writers learn the ropes, know all the tricks of the trade, they can gradually disengage themselves from the team and set up their own song writing company and start earning big.
It is essential for country song writers to have intense desire to write lyrics. They can channel their emotions and experiences into the lyrics and take their work to the next level of expertise. A song writer must be able to attract the listeners’ attention and hold it there. A mass appeal can do wonders for a writer. Although the work involved is considerable, people crave for an opening, an opportunity to exhibit their song writing talent.
The hum-able aspect of the country song should be the top priority. The best acid test for a song is to play it to strangers and see their reactions. Getting genuine feedback can help the song writer to hone his skill further. Using song craft, good song writers can create an emotional impact upon the audience. A writer must put his heart and soul into the country song that he is writing and watch the fine repercussions.