Why Would You Hire a Ghostwriter?
Ghostwriters were a mystery sometimes ago. People wondered what is it that these people did. There is nothing mysterious around it now; ghostwriters are people who write on behalf of someone who hire them to write. Ghostwriting is an agreement between a writer and an individual or a company who hires him to write for them. The ghostwriter does not get any credit for this writing; the hirer becomes the author and takes all the credit.
There are people who have experience, knowledge or stories that they would like to pen, but either due to lack of time or inability to do so academically, hire ghostwriters to put their thoughts and experience in black and white. The ghostwriter has the talent to put down your information or thought into readable sequential format to make it interesting to read. Ghostwriters are used widely in novel writing, business writing and personal writings.
Issues have been raised whether ghostwriting is ethical or not. However, ghostwriting is nothing new, it is in existence for quite sometimes. Politicians have been using writers to write their campaign speech; CEOs of big corporations have been reading out annual report or performance of the company written by their PR department and so on. Even some famous people have used ghostwriters to pen their autobiography. The ghostwriter just writes but has no legal right over what he writes.
A survey conducted on the ethical part of ghostwriting found that ethical or unethical depends on the circumstances and the perception of the people. For example, ghostwriting for school papers is considered illegal as also those written on medical subject without an expert authenticating the same.
However it is not always true that the ghostwriter goes unacknowledged. There are some sensible people who empathize with ghostwriters and prefer to give some credit to them by adding a by-line crediting the ghostwriter. It has been seen that by giving credit to the ghostwriter the credibility of the creator is not diluted in any way. Unfortunately, such instances are very rare in number.
It has been seen that due to lack of time or talent small business owners hire ghostwriters to do the promotional writing for them. Thereafter as the business prospers, the requirement of ghostwriters increases. The foundation of business online sustains on the content of a website. A talented writer can produce sales copies that can increase traffic to you site.
The fees that you have to pay a ghostwriter largely depend on the source. If you browse the web you will come across freelance websites where many talented writers are waiting to be hired. Opinion varies regarding hiring freelancers; some opine that since these freelancers are inexpensive, the work they produce is of low quality.
However if you are not satisfied with the freelancers on the web you can hire aspiring writers who will be ready to work for you at reasonable rates. But if you want specialized writing then you might have to shell our more for hiring experienced writers. You need to browse the net in order to determine the right price structure of ghostwriters.
You can locate ghostwriters online quite easily. There are many sites that will allow you to post your project and freelancers will bid for your project, you can make your choice from these. There are personal websites of ghostwriting service also.
However, determining their talent can be tricky. You can ask for their portfolio and URL address of some of their work in order to gauge their talent. If the project is large then you need to give some time to build up a rapport with the ghostwriter with proper and transparent communication.